Intervention: 7 Tips To Consider

Intervention: 7 Tips To Consider

When we think about someone very close suffering from a deadly addiction, the first thought that comes to our mind is-


The panic that we won’t be able to do anything.

The panic that they wouldn’t listen to us.


The panic that they would die.

Now, these are some genuine concerns. However, do not ever think that you wouldn’t be able to do anything.

There is so much more to addiction than you can currently fathom. But, you can always start from the basics.

One of the efficient ways to help your friend choose sobriety and sign up for recovery is intervention.

Now, what is an intervention, and how does it work?

In this excerpt below, you will be learning about all of that.

What Is An Intervention?

An Intervention occurs when an individual with a substance use disorder is confronted with a way by family and friends to motivate the person to seek treatment.

As described by one of the best Ascendant recovery centers. Ascendant NY provides drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

The intervening individual seeks to point out the person’s destructive behavior associated with substance abuse by helping them understand their destructive behaviors and how it is affecting the rest of the individual’s family and friends.

Through this intervention, the person recognizes the problem and the need to engage in some form of treatment.

Yes, you can make him agree to go to the best facility for their recovery treatment.


Even recover!

Wouldn’t that be great!

Why Is Family & Friends Intervention

Family and friends intervention is created to confront the members of the family or a friend group with the system who are either somehow contributing to a member’s substance abuse problems.

The goal here is to bring family members for recovery treatment, either individually or they can do as a group, to address the specific problems faced by those with substance abuse problems and other family members.

Due to the complexity of the issue, family system interventions require professional support during planning and organization.

While it is always advisable to consult with a professional interventionist or psychotherapist who specializes in addiction before undertaking an intervention, it is crucial to seek outside help from a professional source when organizing a family or friend intervention.

That help is, of course, a therapist!

Keep reading to understand the tips and tricks to conducting a good intervention.

Tips To Conduct A Good Intervention

Here are some common tips and tricks that can help you stage the perfect intervention.

One that will guarantee you to help your friend towards the first step of recovery

  1. Get A Therapist

It is never wise to tackle the intervention head-on. Even with a well-developed plan, interventions can quickly become sour without the help of an expert.

In most cases, the intervention is unlikely to succeed if the Intervention specialists are absent.

Some of the ways specialists can help are to allow families to see the cycle of refusal. Then, they see their problems and help them face them head-on.

  1. Create A Good Group

Forming an intervention group is the major step that follows towards a successful intervention. The intervention group should be made up of all the genuine people in the life of the family member under the influence of drugs.

All people in this group should have a concrete example of how they were adversely affected by drugs or alcoholism by the family.

  1. Select A Good Place & Time

Finding a good venue to deliver the intervention is the next crucial step in this process. You should make sure you choose a time of day when your loved one is most likely not to be under the influence.

The main reason is that they are becoming less receptive to help or even understand what’s going on when under the influence of the drug or alcohol of their choice.

Once you’ve determined the calculated time the place where the intervention will take place, it is best to choose a place that is familiar and safe.

  1. Prepare For The Worse

Now that you’re ready to intervene, it’s important to comprehend that anything can happen. Your family member might fully accept and understand everything told to them and immediately express their interest in seeking help.

However, only if you are lucky!

On the other spectrum, they can lose their cool completely, which can cause them to start a row with their family or try to stop intervening altogether.

  1. Have An Ultimatum

A very important step in making an intervention is to declare the ultimatum for them. This is the purpose of the intervention, right? Help them fight the demons they fight on a daily basis.

Talk to the intervention specialist in advance and come up with an ultimatum with the intervention team.

  1. Gather As Much Information As You Can

It is crucial for you to understand the nature of the addiction and gather as much information as you can.

The extent of the loved one’s problem and the treatment options available. Unfortunately, some people are literally tone-deaf about the fact that addiction is a complex brain disorder that causes brain changes.

The more you understand this illness, the more helpful you are.

Saying triggering things without educating yourself might not be good for the patient’s mental health.

  1. Have A Script

It is important for you to prepare what you are going to say. This is one of the reasons why you should definitely have a script with yourself.

You should know the dos and don’ts and the main pointers that you wish to highlight in order to get the best results out of the intervention.

Path To Recovery!

Now that you know your hands aren’t exactly tied!

You must start with planning with the intervention first.

Always ensure that you choose the right person for the group because you wouldn’t want to trigger the patient anymore.