DIY Substance Abuse Detox: 7 Reasons Why You Should Avoid It

DIY Substance Abuse Detox

So, you have finally decided to get some help with your addiction?

That is great news!

If you have recognized the problem and are looking for the solution, that is the first step of recovery. Now, you have to select the correct kind of treatment; this guarantees a recovery.

But, before you select one, we suggest you never choose DIY detox. It might seem like the right idea.

– You only ask one person for help, someone who is very close and wouldn’t judge.

– Get some medicine for the withdrawal symptoms.

– Plus, save a lot by recovering from the comfort of your house.

Yes, we understand that all of this is painting a very good picture of the concept of DIY detoxification, but it is more complicated and difficult.

Plus, you are setting yourself for doom. Because at the end of the day, without professional help, you wouldn’t know what to do.

Do not get us started with the withdrawal symptoms!

Simply visit a rehabilitation and detox center to at least understand the issue, visit now.

If you are not convinced about preventing DIY symptoms, we will explain what addiction recovery entails.

Then we will talk about how it is impossible for people to have success with all the steps without proper assistance.

What Does A Addiction Recovery Entail

These are different stages that you go through when you are planning to recover and free yourself from the harmful clutches of addiction.

1. Detoxification

The first thing is cleaning the body. Your physical state goes through a lot during the addiction. So, you need to cleanse the system and make your body somewhat healthy while changing your diet and adding detox superfoods in them.

2. Mental Detox

The second thing is to detox the mind from the glamorizing thoughts of the substance and infiltrating aversion about them. But, again, this can only be achieved through CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

3. Withdrawal

Once your body is cleansed from all the substances, your body will start craving for more. Your body is functioning on the, so they will think something is wrong, and it is their way of alerting your brain.

Some of the common withdrawal symptoms are,

– Nausea & Vomiting.

– Anxiety Followed With Panic Attacks.

– Depression.

– Insomnia

– Seizures (in some serious cases)

However, there are no cases of patients losing their lives because of withdrawal symptoms; close supervision is to prevent relapses.

4. Resolving Environmental Issues

There could be family conflicts and environmental triggers which are causing the problem. Once the patient learns all the triggers, it is time to prevent them.

Once they enter their phase of sobriety, they have to,

– Stop mixing with shady friend groups who push you towards addiction.

– Resolve the conflicts with their family and friends.

– Try getting back to their jobs and academic plans to bring back normalcy in life.

Reasons You Should Avoid It

Now that you understand the intricate process a patient goes through to recover, it is time to make you understand why choosing the wrong recovery can lead you back to step 1.

1. They Have Less Success Rate

They are bound to have a lower success rate because relapses are easy when alone. Unfortunately, there is no one who is making you understand why relapsing could be harmful, nor is there any assistance to help you through the urges.

If the case of addiction is severe, an inpatient recovery facility is the only option left because they understand your addiction better than you.

2. Medication Is Not Supervised

This is probably the most dangerous part of a DIY detox because you are literally giving yourself more drugs just because you read somewhere that they help with detox and the withdrawal symptoms.

The patient either harbors a new addiction or gets the worst side effects in the worst-case scenarios.

Needless to say, these medicines should only be consumed when prescribed and taken under medical supervision. There is no argument against it!

3. No Therapy!

This is probably the most important element which is lacking in DIY detoxification. When they enroll in a rehabilitation center, the patient has to go through an array of therapy sessions.

These include CBT [Cognitive Behavioral therapy] DBT [Dialectical Behavioral Therapy]. Recovery is not just the recovery of the body, but it is also the recovery of the mind where therapy comes in.

4. Patients Are Isolated

Isolation never helps; patients of addiction need to interact with people suffering from the same issues and hear their success stories for motivation. This is one of the reasons why detox centers conduct group therapy.

Being isolated can even make a patient suicidal from mental health issues, and you will need someone for 24/7 supervision.

5. Access To Drugs

When you are at home DIYing your therapy, it is not a location away from the access. Even if you decide to throw all the stash and start fresh, the moment you relapse and your body starts to urge; no one is stopping you from having the choice.

6. Lack Of Interaction

Let’s say that the patient has maintained sobriety for quite some time. However, they are missing out on an important aspect of recovery: body and intellectual wellness

There are therapies in the detox center that deal with these issues and prepare the patients for their life after recovery.

However, staying inside without help and simply detoxifying will not help patients achieve it.

7. No Withdrawal Assistance

Patients need the most assistance during their withdrawal because that is one of the most painful parts of recovery.

With the right help, patients will be able to cope with mental and physical issues. However, if that professional help and supervision are missing, the withdrawal period will elongate, finally making the patient fall prey to relapse.

Choose A Rehabilitation Center Today!

There is no question when you ask whether to get into an inpatient rehabilitation facility for substance addiction.

The answer is always yes!

Because the professionals within the facility will be able to provide you the help and assistance that no family or friend can do.